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Langtang Village

Langtang Village

Langtang mountain range is located on the northern reach of Kathmandu valley, the capital city of Nepal. Langtang river which originates from these mountains cuts through the deep valleys.

This flattened valley in the Himalayan geography has long been inhabited by Tamang and Sherpa people. There are numerous villages that are scattered along the valley with Kyanjin Gompa(3800meters) being the farthest one. One of such picturesque valley that you will encounter on your Langtang Valley Trek is Langtang Village (3500 meters).

The word “Langtang” translates to “Yak to Follow” in the local Tibetan dialect and has a story behind it. Long before this valley was discovered, a monk in pursuit of finding his lost Yak discovered this valley and it was then named as such.

Langtang also pronounced as Lamtang is a vibrant village that resides in the flattened Himalayan scape of Rasuwa district. Encapsulated by Himalayan mountains on all sides, this village is particularly located right at the western base of Mt.Langtang Lirung (7234meters). This village faces the south overlooking the famous Baden Power Peak scaling a mere 5710 meters.
Owing to its pristine location, this village is highly regarded by trekkers for its alluring beauty and quaint ambiance.


Route to Langtang Village

The nearest roadway that connects Langtang village is Syabrubesi which measures 28 kilometers. You will have to trek through lush forests and by the river bank of Langtang river to reach Langtang village from Syabrubesi.

For the most part your route to Langtang village will navigate through the dense forest of Langtang National Park. Another viable option to reach Langtang village is via Helicopter. Langtang Helicopter Tour has been a popular form of touristic activity as an alternative for those who want to skip multiple days of trekking to Langtang region.


2015 Earthquake in Langtang Village.

During the 2015 earthquake which brought the whole Rasuwa district down to its knees, Langtang village was devastated. Following the earthquake, a colossal rocky portion of Langtang mountain dwindled upon the village that has about 150 houses. The whole village now has crumbled to nothing but a flat stockpile of debris, rock boulders, sand and a stream that flows from in between.

Today, Langtang village has stood on its foot with a new village that has been uprooting on the eastern reach of the territory. 15 minutes eastward from the devastated land and you will see a totally new established Langtang village which is as picturesque as the previous one. This village has now been sophisticated with drinking water, health post, helipad, restaurants, hotels and teahouses.


What to do in Langtang Village?

Despite the unforgivable wrath of 2015 earthquake, this village has stood up in its feet and it  has now been seeing better days. You can plan for series of activities on your trek to Langtang village. There are more than 50 teahouses and homestay that have been built in the village. It is as ready to serve for trekkers as it once used to. There are several amenities to recreation like coffee shops, bakeries, restaurants and snooker house.


Also, there is a monastery that you can choose for spiritual tour on your trip to Langtang village. There are series of rock piled Chhortens located at the higher section of the village from where you will have alluring gaze at the mountains. Since the village is quaint and tranquil, you can choose to stay by the fireplace and maybe read a good book in the evening.

What to eat and drink in Langtang Village?

Owing to limited accessibility , you wont have series of dishes and cuisines in Langtang village. However, you should not miss out on eating and drinking the below given things on during your trip to Langtang:

1) Yak Curd and Cheese
Yak curd and cheese are widely available in Langtang region and you should not miss out on trying these. There is Yak cheese factory in Kyanjin and whatever Yak dairy products you might find on your trip will be fresh.

2) Seabuck Thorn Juice
Seabuck thorn is a plant based juice which is rich in Vitamin C and is believed to cure many digestion related ailments. You will find lots of shops in Langtang selling this juice. Seabuck thorn is considered a herbal medicine at places with high altitude. Having a glass of this juice is refreshing for trekkers as well.

4) Butter Tea
Himalayan butter tea is another must ry on your trip to Langtang village. Usually prepared with Yak milk and butter, this tea is a bit salty in taste but helps in keeping you warm in the chilly cold weather of Langtang.

5) Local Alcoholic Drinks
Teahouses in Langtang villages serves a wheat based alcohol drink which is locally made. If you are fond of new taste, this drink when warmed is best for keeping your body warm.

6) Tingmo
Tingmo is a steamed bread that is typical but nutritious for breakfast. Tingmo has a soft and fluffy texture with no filling inside of it. Its mere shape similar to a flower makes it look interesting to try.

Plan your trip to Langtang Village

Langtang village sits amidst the gigantic mountains and the serene Langtang National Park. There are few treks like Langtang Valley Trek and Langtang Gosaikunda Trek that we offer taking you through Langtang village. Inquire with our expert team to design your holiday to this amazing destination in northern Nepal.